Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Pippa Middleton

Has Pippa Middleton Found Her Own 'Prince' With A 'Stately Ancestral Pile' Of His Own?

It seems Kate Middleton’s little sister, Philippa Charlotte, or ‘ Pippa’, to friends and family, in deference of their often commented upon sisterly competition, is doing her best to keep up with the future princess, by bagging an eligible bachelor of her own.

Emma Sayle, who was at Downe house with Kate, says: “Kate and Pippa were hugely competitive. There was always that thing of who could be the thinnest and who could be the prettiest.”

Both girls were academically bright enough to win places at good Scottish universities. While Kate headed off to St Andrews to study history of art and find her prince, Pippa went to study English at Edinburgh where friends claim she set about acquiring friends of the right caliber.

“As soon as she arrived she made sure she joined the right circle,” says one acquaintance. “At Edinburgh, the aristo crowd is divided into two social sets. One crowd goes to London at weekends to party and the other set is a bit more staid and go to each other’s country houses for the weekend. Pippa joined the country set.”

She was not only assiduous about cultivating a socially useful circle, she was also capable of a certain ruthlessness, laying on the charm until someone more important came into the room and then walking away without a backward glance. By her third year, her flat mates at her student digs were George Percy, eldest son and heir of the Duke of Northumberland, and Lord Edward “Ted” Innes­-Ker, second son of the Duke of Roxburghe, an aristocrat with strong royal connections. Prince Andrew proposed to Sarah Ferguson at Floors Castle, the Roxburghe family seat and Lord Ted’s older sister, Rosanagh, was a brides­maid at their wedding.

While Kate has finally captured her prince, lasting love has so far eluded Pippa. When it comes to love, Pippa, has exceptionally high standards. At Edinburgh University she dated banking heir, Jonathan Jardine Patterson, known as JJ, an heir to the Hong Kong Jardine Matheson fortune, but they split up a month before graduation, apparently on his initiative. Then there was Scottish aristocrat and socialite, Billy More Nesbitt, diamond heir Simon Youngman, and Charlie Gilkes, a nightclub entrepreneur who owns Barts club in Knightsbridge.

Additionally she was spotted with dashing millionaire Alexander Spencer-Churchill. Alexander, known as Ali to friends, is a nephew of the Duke of Marlborough and distantly related to Sir Winston Churchill.

Kate and William also set up a double date with William’s great friend Guy Pelly and he and Pippa went out briefly. Given that there seems to be no shortage of admirers, why has none of them stuck?

“It’s because she is too picky,” says a friend. “Pippa has a mental checklist of all the attributes her perfect man must have. He must have a title or at least be in line for one. He must have a house in Kensington or Notting Hill and an estate in the sticks. And of course he must be good looking. I think Guy guessed that he didn’t quite measure up to what Pippa was looking for.”

A family friend adds: ‘Carole Middleton is always saying what well-to-do friends Pippa has. I think Carole is very proud of both her daughters. They certainly know how to charm the socks off the right sort of men.’

Alexander Guy Rushworth Loudon

Philippa 'Pippa' Charlotte Middleton

However, it seems that perhaps Pippa has perhaps indeed found her ‘prince with a stately pile,’ in the form of Alexander Guy Rushworth Loudon, a former English cricketer, with ties to the English landed aristocracy.

The former Etonian was a right-handed batsman and off spin bowler, who was considered to have a promising future as an international player, before he announced his retirement from cricket to pursue a business career on October 19, 2007.

Now based in the City, Loudon is enrolled in the full-time MBA program at the London Business School. In his spare time, he is apparently smitten with Pippa Middleton and she with him!

Has Pippa’s knight in shining armor, with requisite family name and country house, finally arrived on the scene, will she soon be settled at the Loudon family manse of Olantigh, Wye, Kent? Have the Middleton's done it again, and will they soon be planning for another high profile wedding? Time will tell!

Source : theesotericcuriosa

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